



It was cold rainy day for March... I wanted to take my kids to the park, but they enjoyed playing video games together all day long. By the way, April starts tomorrow. I want to keep stadying English in this year. I will do for sure.


March is almost over. A quarter of the year has alerady passed.


I came back home with my children after long absence!! I will sleep a lot!! I will take a bath and relax!! Thank you so much, mom and dad(^^)

Chocolate Muffins

I baked chocolate muffins! There seem to be two main ways to make muffin. One is to whisk butter that has been returned to room temperature, and the other is to use melted butter. This time, I took the first way. I put the beaten egg in 3 …


I went to Kobe Suma Rikyu Park with my family. It was warm. Yoichi and Eiji enjoyed athletic. Haruka was in a baby carrier. She hates to get on s stroller...


一日中雨の土曜日。 子どもたちは午前中スイミング行って、夕方にピアノに行って。よういちが歯が痛いと言うので仕方なしに、ピアノ終わってから歯医者に行く。化膿止めをもらって、帰る。またえいじを連れて、検診予約しなきゃなぁ〜。 また一瞬で一日が終…


よういち、終業式。1年生が終わっちゃった。1年間、楽しく学校に通えたね。2年生もお友達と楽しく過ごせますように。 初の焼肉キング。ランチ食べ放題、パパママ2,000円、よういち1,000円、えいじとはるかはタダ。ランチだとあまり牛肉メニューはなかった…